6 Signs That You Are An Easily Distracted Driver

pixabay According to statistics, distractions are responsible for over 80% of all auto accidents. That’s pretty grim reading when you think about it – all those injuries, deaths, and financial impacts could all be avoided. Imagine the world where there were no driving distractions at all, and you will see… Continue reading

Accident Advice: What Injuries Can You Suffer From a Car Crash?

Car accidents are horrific experiences. We all try to avoid them with safe driving, careful planning, and technology that’s built into each vehicle. Sadly, until engineers come up with a way to make a car 100% safe, accidents will undoubtedly happen. Some vehicle crashes can cause complications in people several… Continue reading

Just Passed Your Test? Tips For Staying Safe On The Road

Image: Pexels Just passed your driving test? Congratulations! You’re now on your way to greater freedom and new adventures. But if you thought your lessons stopped there, think again. They’re only just beginning. Until self-driving cars become an everyday reality, all drivers go through a transition period. If you think… Continue reading