Lost Your Touch With Driving? Here’s How to Regain That Confidence

Like riding a bike, driving is something that naturally comes back to you if you take a break from it. Unfortunately, depending on your circumstances, you might find that getting behind the wheel again after an accident or extended period away from driving is more difficult than it seems. Perhaps… Continue reading

How To Stay Safe On Your First Off-Roading Session

https://www.pexels.com/photo/light-road-landscape-nature-35600/ When you’re really into all things cars and bikes, you can often find yourself wanting to explore all kinds of avenues related to the auto world. At first, you may be happy with owning your own car or bike and getting from A to B. But then, you may… Continue reading

The 3 Most Ethical & Important Driving Tips You Can Learn

Your driving attitude and candor not only affects you but every other driver who shares a road with you. Remember, no matter how reckless you feel like driving, people are always dependent and trusting of you to drive safely. A bad driver not only puts himself in danger but entire… Continue reading

Are You Sure You’re A Safe And Focused Driver?

“Yes,” you answer. Yet, every driver likes to think that if they feel confident behind the wheel. Confidence and focus are two different things, however. Maybe you’ve just got your driving license and all the things you’ve been taught are fresh in your mind; you’ve driven for hours and hours… Continue reading

Common Mistakes Made By Rookie Drivers

So, you’ve passed your driving test? Congratulations! Learning to drive can be tough for some, and it’s a great achievement that opens up a whole world of opportunities for you. Independence, flexibility, travel, new job prospects – everything changes once you have a license. However, don’t for one minute rest… Continue reading

Vehicle Mishaps: Why New Drivers Might Have To Call Professional Help

New drivers don’t have much experience in using a car on the road. For that reason, they focus on the driving process so intensely that many of those people will make mistakes. Some of those errors of judgment will leave them with no alternative but to call for professional assistance.… Continue reading

Accident Prone: The Safest Cars On The Current Market

In 2016 alone, over 700,000 people lost their lives on the road around the world. Whether through collisions with cars or other obstructions, this is an incredibly high number considering how safe modern vehicles are. Of course, that is before you look at the number of estimated accidents which have… Continue reading

On The Road With Disability: What You Need To Know

Even without a disability, many people find the road difficult to cope with. It’s far from an overstatement to say that the challenges ahead of those with disabilities wanting to drive or even to be transported are considerable. But that doesn’t mean that they’re insurmountable. There are a lot of… Continue reading

Driving Can be Dangerous, But You Don’t Have to be a Dangerous Driver

When you take to the road, you are putting yourself in the way of potential danger. This is always the case. But you can limit your chances of being involved in an accident by changing the way in which you drive. You certainly can’t do anything about how other road… Continue reading

6 Signs That You Are An Easily Distracted Driver

pixabay According to statistics, distractions are responsible for over 80% of all auto accidents. That’s pretty grim reading when you think about it – all those injuries, deaths, and financial impacts could all be avoided. Imagine the world where there were no driving distractions at all, and you will see… Continue reading

Just Passed Your Test? Tips For Staying Safe On The Road

Image: Pexels Just passed your driving test? Congratulations! You’re now on your way to greater freedom and new adventures. But if you thought your lessons stopped there, think again. They’re only just beginning. Until self-driving cars become an everyday reality, all drivers go through a transition period. If you think… Continue reading